Monday, September 24, 2012

And I did some sewing...or I have too much stuff!

Sorry for the late night rant...LOL!
Love my new printer!

I did some sewing over the weekend...
a little machine applique on these...

And I pulled out some of my Halloween scraps to make this...

Next will be stitching the opening closed and adding on the rest of the Orange Jingle Bells...
that's right, I found Orange Jingle Bells.
Where you might ask...oh, in my Jingle Bell Box.

I have too much stuff!

I went to a Baby Shower for a friend from the quilt shop yesterday.
It was wonderful, she is so happy.  Her son was born prematurely on August 24 (? I think).
He is so cute and I might add that I think I saw a smile when he was introduced to his new "Quilting Nan" (that's me!).  LOL
I really was at a loss for a gift because I knew others  were making baby quilts and blankets for her.
Then  I came up with what I thought was a good idea...
A Picture Frame.
So I made a really cute Baby Boy Frame with - what else - supplies I had in my scrap booking cabinet.

I have too much stuff!

Then I looked in my "gifting box" and found a frame for Halloween...
Wrapped that up in brown tissue with a "Boo" ribbon and labeled it with a Star Tag "Peter's First Halloween Picture" with - what else - more stuff I have...

I have too much stuff!

I did the same with a frame I had for the 4th of July..."Peter's First 4th of July"...wrapped in blue check
tissue, R/W/B ribbon, star tag...more stuff I have...

Peter's First Christmas...more of the same...
Peter's First Family Portrait...more of the same...
Then I put it all in a box...that I had...more stuff...
Added in a whole bunch of little boy stickers and buttons and scrap booking supplies...more stuff...
added in a really cute accordion photo album...
Now I have less stuff...but still...

I have too much stuff!

Sorry no pics but the gift was well  received.
Had I thought of it sooner I would have been better prepared (with more stuff).
A great Baby Shower (or even Bridal Shower) idea!
A photo frame for a Year of Firsts each wrapped individually in paper that matches the occasion!

But I just have to say...

I love all my stuff!

Happy Stitching, Scrap Booking, Crafting...

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