I am not certain why but I am having great difficulty posting comments to my own blog and any other blogs I read regularly!
I 'sign in' and then when I go to post a comment I am asked to 'sign in' again...I do...and then when I go back to my comment and hit 'post' I immediately get a 'sign in' message again!
Anyone else have this issue?
I can post on my blog (apparently!)!
I can post on my blog (apparently!)!
1 comment:
The problem is with Internet Explorer. You need to use a different browser like Google Chrome or Firefox. I'd recommend Firefox, personally. You don't have to use it for everything, but it will fix your problems with posting comments if you use it for Blogger.
You can download Chrome for free here: http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/make/download.html?brand=CHKZ
Or Firefox here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/fx/
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